Are there any adverse reactions to using hair growth caps?

· ​hair growth

Under normal circumstances, hair growth caps usually have no adverse reactions, but they are also related to the user's constitution. Although the ​hair growth  cap has no adverse reactions, it needs to be used according to the instructions.

Hair growth caps are used every other day for 30 minutes. Use 2-4 weeks to control scalp oil, 2-3 months can strengthen hair roots and inhibit hair loss, 3-6 months can see the growth of hair loss villi, persist for more than 6 months, the hair density will increase significantly, and the average increase About 18 pieces/square centimeter.

It is recommended that users can choose to purchase hair growth caps from regular institutions. It is recommended to use them for one year. After one year, they can be changed to once a week as a current fix. There may be individual differences.
